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Detach Garage FAQs
How long does a garage take to build from start to finish?With our efficient team it usually takes up to 4-5 days from the initial planning stage to final stage
How long do the permits take?Due to COVID-19 permits ccould take a week to get approved. we start the construction as soon as we get the permits.
Can i extend my current concrete pad?Yes, We can depening on city guidelines
When and why do i need to extend my 20x20 concrete pad?One of the biggest reasons people extend a 20x20 concrete pad is because they have a pick up truck. Most pick up trucks wont fit in a 20x20 size garage. By extending the pad to 20x22 you get additional space which allows you to easily park your truck
Why do you need concrete curb walls around the pad?Concrete curbs prevent water seepage under the bottom plates. This is the especially, important when your backyard is higher than the pad.
Do we still build in winter?if you have a concrete pad in place we do build in winter expect in extreme cold weather.
Can i add a window or a man door on the side of a garage?yes, as long as you are 4 feet away from the property line.
What's a standard size garage door?The standard size is 16'x7'. You can get a 16'x8' if you have an extentsion fixed on your vehicle (requires 9' wall height).
Is my garage door insulated?Both of our packages include insulated garage doors
Can you build if we provide you the material?Our labor charges are very rasonable if you provide material we certainly can build you a quality garage.
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